

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fairy Notes

W.DeWitt    Pink Pixie   watercolor 

I love beautiful fairy themed art. Like the Blue Fairy from Pinnochio (1940).  Like Cicely Mary Barker. Like Pre-Raphaelite artists such as Waterhouse. Several years ago,I really enjoyed painting a few watercolors with friends' children as models. I think the only reason I haven't continued with this series is the difficulty of aquiring new models. (While in the grocery store: "Excuse me, could I borrow your seven-year-old tutu-wearing daughter?")

Hard to get more than a silent stare out of that conversation.

Below: pair of twins posing for me. 

 W.DeWitt     Lavender Blue Lavender Green    Watercolor

I even used non-human models for a time. Rabbits were a favorite subject.

My inspiration when younger was the absolutely fabulous book The Fairy Tale Book by Marie Ponsot & Adrienne Segur.   It was published in 1958 and I still have my copy :)

Here's a Puss-In-Boots that as a six year old I thought was the most perfect Fairy Tale art. And I still do. If you can find a copy of this lovely book take a look inside.

My mother told me that when she was small she received notes from the fairies at the bottom of their garden. She knew they were from the fairies because they were written in lavender ink. Of course her mother had sent them. Can you imagine! 

And I thought I'd show a folk doll I made of my own Blue Fairy.

Now if you've read to the end of this post, first of all thank you! And add a comment below... first to comment receives their choice of a gift card/certificate/ecard for DickBlick art supplies, Spoonfeather , or Zazzle.


  1. Lavender ink...I love that idea!

    1. You were the first one Adrienne ! Yowza!

    2. Thank you so very much and ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! What a wonderful present and I'm continuing to enjoy your blog!

  2. Beautiful Golders! Congratulations Adrienne!!

  3. My favorite was always the fairies, I still have my framed "mary fairy" and the "bug guy".
